Portfolio of products that we deliver to our customers is really wide. From the most common OTC products, through a wide range of original pharmaceuticals with European origin to specialized cancer treatment drugs. Constantly we expand the ranks of our suppliers to ensure prompt procurement of lines we do not typically stock. Medical devices we trade all come from world’s top certified manufacturers. Quality and safety of our products is our priority. That’s what we stand for, that’s why we can satisfy even the most demanding customers.
Health safety without compromise
Safe pharmaceuticals
All drugs that we deliver to our clients can be tracked back to the manufacturer. Our suppliers must meet the highest standards and hold valid documentation in accordance with European legislation. Without exceptions. When it comes to quality and safety we leave nothing to chance.
Original quality from top producers
High quality medical devices
Medical devices and accessories that we offer come from the world’s best manufacturers. Therefore, our customers can always be certain of its top quality.